Southeast Alaska Tribal
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update
Southeast Alaska Tribal
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Update
Public Review Draft coming soon!
Check back on September 24, 2024 for the release of the public review draft and start of the 30 day comment period.
Our Mission
Preserve our sovereignty, enhance our economic and cultural resources, and promote self-sufficiency and self-governance for our citizens.
Our Vision
Prosperous, healthy Tribe and tribal citizens who thrive culturally, spiritually, and economically.
The Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska is updating the 2018 Southeast Alaska Tribal Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy – a Tribal CEDS. This Tribal CEDS is meant to engage Tribes and Tribal members in Southeast to develop a strategy to support Tribal economic health and rural economies. This plan will focus specifically on Tribal issues, connections, and the future of our communities.
The Tribal CEDS will:
Identify opportunities and challenges to economic development in Southeast Tribal communities.
Develop strategies to overcome those challenges and capture those opportunities.
Develop a regional network of support.
Serve as a roadmap to rollout new programs that will support economic development, job creation, and community collaboration for the Tribal citizens of Southeast Alaska.
The Tribal CEDS will include:
Numbers that tell the story of the people, economy, and regional comparisons of Tribal citizens in Southeast
An Economic Vision for Southeast Tribal communities as a whole
Goals, Objectives, and Strategies that are specific and measurable and describe what we hope to accomplish over the next five years
An Implementation Plan that describes how we’ll work on our priorities and measure progress
Priorities and areas of focus for the Tribal CEDS Update
Infrastructure Development
Workforce Development
Regional Recreation & Retail
Food Security
Land Aquisition
Cultural Wellness
Discover and Listen
Compile and analyze data
Invite input through interviews and survey (to be launched in May 2024)
SUMMER 2024 – FALL 2024
Draft and Review
Create vision, goals, and strategies
Prepare draft CEDS
Publish draft Tribal EDS for public review (Tentatively scheduled to present draft at the Southeast Conference Annual Meeting in Sept 2024)
Activate and Implement
Finalize and adopt Tribal CEDS
Take action on CEDS recommendations and track progress